Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Dear Class:

We will finish Chapter 3. We will look closely, however, at page 45, because of the "statements" and "results". I talked about pages 54 and 55 regarding mixed data types and how it affects calculations. There is a reference to "promotion" and "typecasting". Read these two pages on your own. Please run and print and hand in. At times there will be a "truncated" issue with floating-point number. Read on your own page 56 and 57. Page 57 has the same code list, more or less, as page 55. Just look at that code and see what was changed and what it would do. Together, do code list 3-3 on page 46. We will continue from there. I want you to "copy" the review questions on page 62-63, 1-10 and 1-10, answer them, save on google docs, and put in your shared folder. Do project 3-1 and Project 3-4 and run them. I will check them on screen and then grade them.

Chapter 3

I want you to do the Menu that is linked. The links are Page 1 and Page 2

I want to talk about Overflow and Underflow.

Mr. Green-Hite

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday, March 20th, 2012

Dear Class:

We will finish Chapter 3. We will look closely, however, at page 45, because of the "statements" and "results". Together, do code list 3-3 on page 46. We will continue from there. I want you to "copy" the review questions on page 62-63, 1-10 and 1-10, answer them, print and hand in. Do project 3-1 and Project 3-4 and run them. I will check them on screen and then grade them.

Chapter 3

Mr. Green-Hite

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

Dear Class:

We will start and continue with Chapter 3. These are more of a review of math with a few new twists to the standard operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. There will be the modulus which will include the leftover. We will just continue in Chapter 3 from there. Page 44 we will look at the code list 3-2 but we will not do it. We will look closely, however, at page 45, because of the "statements" and "results". Together, do code list 3-4 on page 47. We will continue from there.

Chapter 3

Mr. Green-Hite

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Dear Class:

As a quiz, I want you to do Activity 2-1 on your own. This will count as the exit quiz for Chapter 2. This is simply taking the English language equivalent and writing it in program language!

We move into Math Operations for Chapter 3. These are more of a review of math with a few new twists to the standard operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. There will be the modulus which will include the leftover. I want to look particularly a page 45 and the using of arithmetic operators. I want to do the "Bus Trip" Page 1 and page 2 program. It is more advanced but I think it important that you see what a simple operator can do. We will just continue in Chapter 3 from there.

Mr. Green-Hite

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

Dear Class:

Do step 2-3 on page 29 and check if there is a difference? We need to look at Floating Point Variables, Boolean Variables (I talked of last time), and Constants. Do code list 2-3 on Page 34. Do code list 2-4 on page 36.

Finally, please enter, compile, and run Project 2-2 on page 40. We will do this one together. This Project combines the constant and variable declarations and initialization.

As a quiz, I want you to do Activity 2-1 on your own. This will count as the exit quiz for Chapter 2.

We move into Math Operations for Chapter 3. These are more of a review of math with a few new twists to the standard operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. There will be the modulus which will include the leftover. I want to look particularly a page 45 and the using of arithmetic operators. I want to do the "Bus Trip" Page 1 and page 2 program. It is more advanced but I think it important that you see what a simple operator can do. We will just continue in Chapter 3 from there.

Mr. Green-Hite

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dear Class:

Grades are done... hallelujah! Please check. I need some work from some of you from the database.

The first programs are simple but you need to practice these programs to get them to work properly. Make sure you understand the five parts of the basic structure of a C++ program: 1) Compiler directive #include, 2) Main Function, 3) Braces to mark the beginning and end 4) Statement followed by a ; last statement is return 0; and 5) can also have comments which are ignored by the compiler but necessary to the programmer.

We need to break down your programs.

We will be talking about the five basic data types: int, Float, Double, char, and void. Assignment statements. These will be important in the developing an algorithm and coding the problem. This will take us into the first half of Chapter 2. We will look at this together!

Chapter 2
Binary Code

Good day to you! We will begin with looking and naming variables. To initialize a variable you simply assign it a value. You must declare a variable before you can use it. On page 29-30, there are examples of keywords and improper C++ variable identifiers. Check out the character and equivalent decimal value located on page 30.

You are done with 2-1 in the book on page 27 and then do the step by step 2-2. Do step 2-3 on page 29 and check if there is a difference?

Today, e need to look at Floating Point Variables, Boolean Variables, and Constants. Do code list 2-3 on Page 34. Do code list 2-4 on page 36.

Finally, please enter, compile, and run Project 2-2 on page 40. This will probably bring us to the end of the class.

Mr. Green-Hite

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012

Dear Class:

Grades are done... hallelujah! Please check. I need some work from some of you from the database.

The first programs are simple but you need to practice these programs to get them to work properly. Make sure you understand the five parts of the basic structure of a C++ program: 1) Compiler directive #include, 2) Main Function, 3) Braces to mark the beginning and end 4) Statement followed by a ; last statement is return 0; and 5) can also have comments which are ignored by the compiler but necessary to the programmer.

We need to break down your programs.

We will be talking about the five basic data types: int, Float, Double, char, and void. Assignment statements. These will be important in the developing an algorithm and coding the problem. This will take us into the first half of Chapter 2. We will look at this together!

Chapter 2
Binary Code

Good day to you! We will begin with looking and naming variables. To initialize a variable you simply assign it a value. You must declare a variable before you can use it. On page 29-30, there are examples of keywords and improper C++ variable identifiers. Check out the character and equivalent decimal value located on page 30.

Do 2-1 in book on page 27 and then do the step by step 2-2. Do step 2-3 on page 29 and check if there is a difference? We need to look at Floating Point Variables, Boolean Variables, and Constants. Do code list 2-3 on Page 34. Do code list 2-4 on page 36.

Finally, please enter, compile, and run Project 2-2 on page 40. This will probably bring us to the end of the class.

Mr. Green-Hite