Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dear Class: The first tutorial we did together with the evil clown. We should be done with that...We will do the "first tutorial" on that site that consists of the cherries, apples, etc that were worth points. The tutorial that was the shooter tutorial was the wrong one. I want to do the shooter that I had done previously. Let me know if there are problems getting the sprites for this one if we get to the shooter. Thanks. Sincerely, Mr. Green-Hite

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dear Class:

I need the "BMI" calculator; Take a picture of it and save it at "BMI Calculator" in case I did not see it. Do that with the "Radio Button" one as well and title it "Happy Face" and save in your shared folder.

Today, GameMaker 8.0!!!! GameMaker 8.0 is already loaded, although you may have to go to the C drive to load it. The first tutorial consists of:

. The best link for the first tutorial that has the sprites and music is First Tutorial. You will need to download and open folder. If you can't, you will have to go to My Network Places, View Workbook Computers, and then find my computer. This is the "Evil Clown". I will be explaining it up on the screen while we do it!! Sincerely, Mr. Green-Hite

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Monday, December 10th, 2012

Dear Class:

This is an add on to the previous part we were doing.

We finished Lesson 7 in which you did the "BMI" calculator. I recorded those last time. As an exit "test" for Visual Basic, you are being asked to create a program on your own that you create from scratch. It has to have at least 2 buttons, four text boxes and 4 labels. It must serve a function, such as figuring out sales tax for purchases. Changed: Do the radial button. You could do the "grades" that are in Lesson 10 in place of that if no other options...

Today, I wanted to look at transitioning to GameMaker 8.0. GameMaker 8.0 is already loaded, although you may have to go to the C drive to load it. The first tutorial consists of:

Resource 1
Resource 2
Resource 3
Resource 4
Resource 5

We will see how we do!

Mr. Green-Hite

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Dear Class: We played "catch-up" last class and finished with "Coins". We will continue with our pursuit of happiness in exploring Visual Basic. Continuing with Lesson 5, we will get a bit further before we switch to another program. Lesson 7 has the BMI assignment. We will do the "Coin" assignment together that will be up on the screen. Continue with Sincerely, Mr. Green-Hite

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dear Class: We played "catch-up" last class and finished with the "Color" and "Lottery". We will continue with our pursuit of happiness in exploring Visual Basic. Continuing with Lesson 5, we will get a bit further before we switch to another program. Lesson 7 has the BMI assignment. We will do the "Coin" assignment together that will be up on the screen. Sincerely, Mr. Green-Hite