Dear Class:
Please enter, compile, and run Project 2-2 on page 40. We will do this one together. This Project combines the constant and variable declarations and initialization.
As a quiz, I want you to do Activity 2-1 on your own. This will count as the exit quiz for Chapter 2.
We move into Math Operations for Chapter 3. These are more of a review of math with a few new twists to the standard operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. There will be the modulus which will include the leftover. I want to look particularly a page 45 and the using of arithmetic operators. I want to do the "Bus Trip" program. It is more advanced but I think it important that you see what a simple operator can do. We will just continue in Chapter 3 from there.
Mr. Green-Hite
(>^-^)>~* here's a lollipop lol