Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

Dear Class:

Open notes and make sure we have all these terms: Database, record, field, datatype. ADD objects, table, form, report, querie.

Open Class database in datasheet view—what can we do with it??
Basic—can’t change the header/footer, you can delete it in setup, only have one font, one size for rows
Sizing columns—double clicking between field names or sliding
Sorting—Highlight entire field and use AZ↓ or ZA↓

Highlight a field and use binocular icon to look in, match, search
Navigation bar at bottom to move between records
A "pencil" is displayed on the left when editing a record
A "triangle" is displayed on the left when selecting a record
Add or delete a record
Add a new field in design view—School
Type in David Douglas High School one time and use Control ‘ to repeat in every cell

Work on some OJBECTS:

Create a FORM using wizard
Choose all the fields
Choose a layout—columnar is good for now
Choose a style
Give it a name—click finish
Does everything fit
View/Design View to edit
Edit Field Box and Detail Box
Change font and size
Rearrange to make sure it fits
Shift click to highlight more than one box
Use the paint brush for editing
View Form View to check it out
Print Preview—use the icons to view one, two, multiple pages
Use navigation to get to new record and add the teacher

Was it easier to input data in a form or table object???

Create a Report—create a report using wizard—choose the class table
Pick four fields
Pick a grouping—group by age
Pick a sort—sort by last name
Pick a layout
Pick a style
Give it a name

Edit the report in design view
Header—contains field name
Detail—actual information
Use paint brush
Numbers right align/words left align
Select and size or edit—click to select, use hand to move
Shift Click header and detail to move both
Make sure everything fits and is centered
Same alignment icons as in WORD
Change footer
Delete the entire text box on right—page x of x
Change =now() (function for date and time) to =”your name—period x” (string)

Open Database Notes and update vocabulary if needed


Create a report using what you just learned—choose at least 5 fields
SAVE, PRINT and turn in

Group by age?? By Eye color?

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