Monday, May 2, 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dear Class:

There is a good source of tutorials at that I want to look at.

We already worked on the first and second lessons of the tutorial at the website

Lesson 1 had us just do a simple button. In lesson 2, we will do a simple calculator. That is where we ended up last class.

You have a substitute today so I want you to work on your own.

Please do Lesson 3 which talks about properties, including color schemes and naming of the window. The assignment is to do the RGB window and have it work. I will have you open it up next time I am in class and have you run it.

Lesson 4 talks about object oriented program "OOP". Look at this lesson. I want you to understand what they are talking about.

Lesson 5 speaks of writing the code. I want you to do the "form" code that is self explanatory on the tutorial. That includes the "myfirstVB2010 program" and the "Display hidden names"

At this point, you can explore on the internet any free programs that have to do with programming. I want you to go to and look at that program. It might be something you might want to download at home.

We will look at the following lessons on Thursday:

Lesson 6 refreshes our minds about managing data (integers, etc. that we have seen before) and then Lesson 7 is about Mathematical Operations in which you will all do the "BMI" calculator.

Mr. Green-Hite

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