Sunday, June 3, 2012

Monday, Wednesday & Friday, June 4, 6, & 8

Dear Class: Unfortunately, the loading of Android Apps was a complete failure and we are into dead week. Because of that I am going to look at JAVA but from the basic perspective of computer language and, more specifically, Language programming in general. We glossed over this in both C++ and Visual Studio, but we are going to look at it as a whole. This will be the major basis for the Final. Lesson 1 Introduction Lesson 2 Fundamental Programming Concept Lesson 3 Decisions Lesson 4 Applets and Graphics Lesson 5 Introduction to Classes Lesson 6 Methods Lesson 7 Arrays and Vectors Lesson 8 Inheritance and Interfaces Lesson 9 Streams and Exceptions Lesson 10 Event Handling These were all a part of every program we have looked at. Because of that, we will only revisit what we knew previously. I will be having you go over the JAVA tutorial that contains the above Learning Java Language We have today, Wednesday, Friday, and then Tuesday of the week following and then the final is on Thursday. Because SkillsUSA will be a consideration for next year, and since I expect to see most of you next year in advanced programming, we will be making sure we have the basics down. Sincerely, Mr. Green-Hite

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