Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Monday, October 2, 2012

Dear Class: I would like you to finish the "Automobiles" database today since you should have been done with "superheroes" on Friday. I would like to move on to C++ on Thursday. This is the first part of the class that consists of Database that is broken up into three projects: The rough data that the class supplied and that we "roughed in" using Excel. Then, we created rough reports and a query from. The second section was information you supplied through internet searching. This part was more "refined" and I had you center the Title and put in a footer. The last section is the "Access" final project. This is information that is provided by me and the final reports and queries will look the same...The grading will be very precise on this one. Again, the title will have to be centered, the title will be the same one on the project sheet as on your report/query. Finally, all of the seven parts will include a footer with your name and the period (=() will be changed to ="Last First Name--Period 7 or 8". What I want in your folders is up on the board. I am still grading these. If you get done early, and I know some of you will, you may use the following link for "educational games". I need them evaluated anyway as to how good they are. Good Luck! Sincerely, Mr. Green-Hite

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