Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013
Dear Class:

EXCEL to start...then videos on Database...the boring ones!!!! What is a database?

Watch the Tutorial on Access. (approx. 24 minutes) The teacher will go to the site and play "Access 2010/2013", Beginner, "Introduction" 2013 and "Database Terminology" and perhaps "Planning Your Database". You will be taking notes in a google doc entitled "Database Notes" that will then be put into your shared folder so that I can see it.

Why use a database—information about customers, information about inventories, any type of information a business would need. You can design, manipulate, sort, and print.

Who has a database—schools, libraries, government, stores, banks, business on inventory and employees


Requirements: contain a unique name, describe the field, <= 64 characters, cannot begin with a space, can’t use . , ! [ ]

Fields have data types—text, number, currency, date/time, yes/no, OLE Object (picture), hyperlink (address), lookup wizard (giving options)

Field size—usually default works but you can assign different sizes
Who has a long name that always gets cut off???

Last class I had you go to to a spreadsheet, however, because a few of the students made changes that made it apparent that some could not take this task seriously, you will have to open a google spreadsheet and enter in each category in the first row of cells and then answer the questions below. This means more work and less time for GameMaker at the end of the semester. Period 7 Period 7 (?) Period 5

Mrs. Ekroth was here last Friday. She had you take some notes and we will add to those. I also was given to understand that you started a "preliminary" database and we will continue with that.

Icebreaker—creating a database about our class
What do we want to find out about each other:

First Name
Last Name
Smart? (yes/no)
How much do you have?
Favorite Food
Favorite Color
Eye Color
Birth Month
Database Exp
Programming Exp
Middle School

Enter the information onto the spreadsheet that has been shared.

Let’s put our class in a database. . .

Create a database
Different programs: MS ACCESS, Oracle, Dbase
Determine fields and data types
Enter your own data on the first line and SAVE it.

Open WORD document and create a “Database Notes” file
Vocabulary: database, field, record, data types

Sites that can help: Access 2003 tutorial

MyTunes Worksheet MyTunes Excel Spreadsheet href="">Access 2003

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