Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday, April 14, 2014

Dear Class:

We worked on and finished the "Menu".  Make sure you run it, take a "PrtScn" (print screen) of it with the program on one side and the compiled part on the other.  We also did the "Grades" and you should have ran it, took a snapshot of it and then put it into a document.
I want to talk about messages, strings, and concatenation of strings.

We will do an assignment on "Concatenation of strings" together in chapter 4 (b) section.  This is the second to last program that contains your name, school name, and string "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".

I want to get into chapter 4. I want to look at it together.

Chapter 4
Chapter 4 (b)

We will do the "Grades" together and you will choose either Sales Tax or Wages and do two programs based on the one you choose. The 'Sales Tax' and 'Wages' sample programs on your own. It will be two programs that are similar to those two.

We will finish "Airline Flight Cost Analysis together. See if it works...

Today I want to see if we can get the chapter done but maybe not.

I want to watch a couple of tutorials on this site:

This site is a tutorial on 3d programming using C++ and OpenGL.

We are almost done with C++ at the conclusion of Chapter 4 (a little of Chapter 5 we will look at) and we will move into Visual Studio/Basic from here.

Hope this helps.

Mr. Green-Hite

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