Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Dear Class:

We will start and continue with Chapter 3. These are more of a review of math with a few new twists to the standard operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. There will be the modulus which will include the leftover. We will just continue in Chapter 3 from there.  Page 44  we will look at the code list 3-2 but we will not do it. We will look closely, however, at page 45, because of the "statements" and "results". I want to talk about Overflow and Underflow.

Together, do code list 3-3 on page 46.  Together, do code list 3-4 on page 47. Page 48...do 3-5 and screen shot. Do 3-8 and look at 3-10. We will continue from there.
I talked about pages 54 and 55 regarding mixed data types and how it affects calculations. There is a reference to "promotion" and "typecasting". Read these two pages on your own. Please run and print and hand in. At times there will be a "truncated" issue with floating-point number. Read on your own page 56 and 57. Page 57 has the same code list, more or less, as page 55. Just look at that code and see what was changed and what it would do.  We will continue from there. I want you to "copy" the review questions on page 62-63, 1-10 and 1-10, answer them, save on google docs, and put in your shared folder. Do project 3-1 and Project 3-4 and run them. I will check them on screen and then grade them.

Chapter 3

I want you to do the Menu that is linked. The links are Page 1 and Page 2

Chapter 3

Mr. Green-Hite

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