Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dear Class:

Today we will finish up the DataBase handout we started last class. It is due today. Please print out the final sheets, staple them together, and hand them in. I will project up on the screen what I want and how I want it for your parameters. Remember, recheck your data to make sure you are accurate in what you entered.

Otherwise, after the first half of the class, we will be opening up C++ and working on that. There will be a little bit of vocabulary involved but not too much. If you work on it at home, you can download at Hopefully, we will do the first bit of a program called "Hello World".

Mr. Green-Hite

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dear Class:

Today we will finish up the DataBase handout we started last class. It is due today. Please print out the final sheets, staple them together, and hand them in. I will project up on the screen what I want and how I want it for your parameters. Remember, recheck your data to make sure you are accurate in what you entered.

Otherwise, after the first half of the class, we will be opening up C++ and working on that. There will be a little bit of vocabulary involved but not too much. If you work on it at home, you can download at Hopefully, we will do the first bit of a program called "Hello World".

Mr. Green-Hite

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

Dear Class:

Today we have that quiz on the vocabulary words today!

This is exciting news! The four questions are worth 2 points each.

Other than that, I will be handing out a DataBase Project for you to do. Please follow the instructions; you will be entering in a lot of data so have fun the Friday.

Mr. Green-Hite

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Friday, February 11, 2011

Dear Class:

Edit your Report
Use handout
Change font, color, alignment, border, fill

Publish it to WORD and EXCEL
What can you do with it???

I want your data exported into Excel. I want to do more with it. The following is a new category for Excel that I want put in:

Expenses per day:
Trent 2.43
Hayden 3.40
Loren 2.10
Helena 1.25
Michael 1.75
Kevin Guan 2.24
Ngai 3.10
Kevin McGill 2.00
Ana 1.55
Paul 2.02
Naragan 3.10
Trung 2.25
Nahu 1.11
Brent 2.00
Ryan 3.22
Gabriel 2.22
Felix 1.25
Richard 2.25
Raymond 2.10
Kevin Tomlin 1.11
Josue 2.00
Jason 2.24

Please put in the costs. Total will be "=cell*174" (a year of school will be 174 days). Make sure you copy the formula down by putting your pointer on the "fill handle" (the small black square on the bottom right corner of the cell) and dragging the formula down.
Sort the First names from A-Z
Create a graph. The Graph will reflect the first names and the total spent for year at David Douglas. This will be done by selecting the first name column and then holding down the control key and then selecting the "Total Yearly Expenses". Select two other columns of your choosing. Choose the bar graph for this. Save but do not print. I will look at them next time I am in class.

Print a copy—from WORD?? EXCEL?? OR ACCESS???
Must have enhancements
Correct Spelling—watch caps
Centered on Page
Name on bottom left/period on bottom right
We will do in class.

wildcards—* ?
comparison operators—like < > +
compound criteria—using two sets of criteria

Go back to your original database.

Filtering—a temporary sort
Filter by selection
Highlight something and click on filter by selection icon
Can only select one criteria
Run filter
Remove filter
Filter by form
Click on Filter by form and enter a criteria
Can select more than one criteria
Run filter
Remove filter
This will be the icon that looks like a "funnel" which I told you about.

Permanent Sort
Creating a Query—extracting specific information
How do you do a query? Go to youtube for a tutorial (Watch as a class)

Using design view
Add a table and select fields
Or—more than one criteria
When using check boxes yes/no
“smith” matching Smith
“Smith” or Larson” matching both
Not “Smith” everything but Smith
S* everything that begins with S
*s everything that ends with s [a –d]* begins with a through d, ends with anything
between 10 and 15 shows 10 through 15
“Johns?n” shows Johnson and Johnsen

Make sure you understand the query part that adds, limits, and shows data.

We will finish this. I have a handout that we will finish that will end our Database and a quiz on the vocabulary of Database on Tuesday.

Mr. Green-Hite

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dear Class:

Create a Report—create a report using wizard—choose the class table
Pick four fields
Pick a grouping—group by age
Pick a sort—sort by last name
Pick a layout
Pick a style
Give it a name

Edit the report in design view
Header—contains field name
Detail—actual information
Use paint brush
Numbers right align/words left align
Select and size or edit—click to select, use hand to move
Shift Click header and detail to move both
Make sure everything fits and is centered
Same alignment icons as in WORD
Change footer
Delete the entire text box on right—page x of x
Change =now() (function for date and time) to =”your name—period x” (string)

Open Database Notes and update vocabulary if needed


Create a report using what you just learned—choose at least 5 fields
SAVE, PRINT and turn in

Group by age?? By Eye color?

Edit your Report
Use handout
Change font, color, alignment, border, fill

Publish it to WORD and EXCEL
What can you do with it???

Print a copy—from WORD?? EXCEL?? OR ACCESS???
Must have enhancements
Correct Spelling—watch caps
Centered on Page
Name on bottom left/period on bottom right

Mr. Green-Hite

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dear Class:

Open notes and make sure we have all these terms: Database, record, field, datatype. ADD objects, table, form, report, querie.

Open Class database in datasheet view—what can we do with it??
Basic—can’t change the header/footer, you can delete it in setup, only have one font, one size for rows
Sizing columns—double clicking between field names or sliding
Sorting—Highlight entire field and use AZ↓ or ZA↓

Highlight a field and use binocular icon to look in, match, search
Navigation bar at bottom to move between records
A "pencil" is displayed on the left when editing a record
A "triangle" is displayed on the left when selecting a record
Add or delete a record
Add a new field in design view—School
Type in David Douglas High School one time and use Control ‘ to repeat in every cell

Work on some OJBECTS:

Create a FORM using wizard
Choose all the fields
Choose a layout—columnar is good for now
Choose a style
Give it a name—click finish
Does everything fit
View/Design View to edit
Edit Field Box and Detail Box
Change font and size
Rearrange to make sure it fits
Shift click to highlight more than one box
Use the paint brush for editing
View Form View to check it out
Print Preview—use the icons to view one, two, multiple pages
Use navigation to get to new record and add the teacher

Was it easier to input data in a form or table object???

Create a Report—create a report using wizard—choose the class table
Pick four fields
Pick a grouping—group by age
Pick a sort—sort by last name
Pick a layout
Pick a style
Give it a name

Edit the report in design view
Header—contains field name
Detail—actual information
Use paint brush
Numbers right align/words left align
Select and size or edit—click to select, use hand to move
Shift Click header and detail to move both
Make sure everything fits and is centered
Same alignment icons as in WORD
Change footer
Delete the entire text box on right—page x of x
Change =now() (function for date and time) to =”your name—period x” (string)

Open Database Notes and update vocabulary if needed


Create a report using what you just learned—choose at least 5 fields
SAVE, PRINT and turn in

Group by age?? By Eye color?

Monday, September 6, 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dear Class:


Day One:

What is a database?

Why use a database—information about customers, information about inventories, any type of information a business would need. You can design, manipulate, sort, and print.

Who has a database—schools, libraries, government, stores, banks, business on inventory and employees
Internet Search:
Who won the Heisman trophy 2 years in a row?? (1974 1975 Archie Griffen
Who Was David Douglas named after?? (David Douglas, a botanist)
Who are some notable alumni from David Douglas??


Requirements: contain a unique name, describe the field, <= 64 characters, cannot begin with a space, can’t use . , ! [ ]

Fields have data types—text, number, currency, date/time, yes/no, OLE Object (picture), hyperlink (address), lookup wizard (giving options)

Field size—usually default works but you can assign different sizes
Who has a long name that always gets cut off???

Icebreaker—creating a database about our class
What do we want to find out about each other—pick 10 fields

First Name
Last Name
Favorite Food
Favorite Color
Eye Color
Birth Month
Database Exp
Programming Exp
Middle School

Write them on a piece of paper
Pair up to find out information about someone in the class—record it on paper

Let’s put our class in a database. . .

Create a database
Different programs: MS ACCESS, Oracle, Dbase
Determine fields and data types
Enter your own data on the first line and SAVE it.

Pass the papers around the room and have each of you enter all the informtion on your own computer.

Open WORD document and create a “Database Notes” file
Vocabulary: database, field, record, data types