Sunday, April 29, 2012

Monday, April 30th, 2012

Dear Class: The first tutorial we did together...It consisted of the cherries, apples, etc that were worth points. The tutorial that was the shooter tutorial was the wrong one. I want to do the shooter that I had done previously. The files should still be on your computers but I do have the files on my memory stick so let me know if there are problems. Thanks. Sincerely, Mr. Green-Hite

Monday, April 23, 2012

Added to Tuesday, March 24th, 2012

Dear Class:

This is an add on to the previous part we were doing.

We finished Lesson 7 in which you did the "BMI" calculator. I recorded those last time. I do want to do the "grade" calculator in Lesson 10

Today, I wanted to look at transitioning to GameMaker 8.0. GameMaker 8.0 is already loaded, although you may have to go to the C drive to load it. The first tutorial consists of:

Resource 1
Resource 2
Resource 3
Resource 4
Resource 5

There is also "shooter" one.
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
Sample 4
Sample 5
Sample 6
Sample 7
We will see how we do!

Mr. Green-Hite

Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday and Tuesday, April 20 and April 24, 2012

Dear Class:

There is a good source of tutorials at that I want to look at.

How to create an executable file. Go to this link.

We already worked on the first 5 lessons of the tutorial at the website

Lesson 5 speaks of writing the code. I want you to do the "form" code that is self explanatory on the tutorial. That includes the "myfirstVB2010 program" and the "Display hidden names"

All of the bold sections pay particular attention to!!!

We will look at the following lessons today:

Lesson 6 refreshes our minds about managing data (integers, etc. that we have seen before) and then Lesson 7 is about Mathematical Operations in which you will all do the "BMI" calculator. Follow the instructions for the "BMI" calculator on your own.

Lesson 8 is String Manipulation. We have talked about strings before. Although I will not have you do anything in this section today, read it! The interactions of strings and variables, etc are crucial to understand.

Lesson 9- Using If....Then....Else. This brings me back to my days of "Basic" programming. Things do not change. Please note the mathematical operations and signs associated with this lesson. Do example 9.2 "Lucky Prize" and then save. Please look at the others to follow the train of If, then, else.

Lesson 10- Using Select Case. Please read and then do Example 10.4. This is a grade calculator and the example is at the bottom of the Lesson.

I want you to start thinking about a project that you will write and run on visual basic that combines pics, buttons, text, etc for an exit project in Visual Studio.

At this point, you can explore, as you did before, on the internet any free programs that have to do with programming. I want you to go to and look at that program. It might be something you might want to download at home.

Keep off Youtube and any thing else that is not allowed.

Mr. Green-Hite

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

Dear Class:

We started to look at Lesson 4 last time that talks about object oriented program "OOP". Look at this lesson. I want you to understand what they are talking about.

Lesson 5 speaks of writing the code. I want you to do the "form" code that is self explanatory on the tutorial. That includes the "myfirstVB2010 program" and the "Display hidden names"

At this point, you can explore on the internet any free programs that have to do with programming. I want you to go to and look at that program. It might be something you might want to download at home.

We will look at the following lessons on Thursday:

Lesson 6 refreshes our minds about managing data (integers, etc. that we have seen before) and then Lesson 7 is about Mathematical Operations in which you will all do the "BMI" calculator.

Mr. Green-Hite

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012

Dear Class:

There is a good source of tutorials at that I want to look at.

We will work on the first lesson of the tutorial at the website

Lesson 1 had us just do a simple button. In lesson 2, we did a simple calculator. I checked off most of yours. The next lessons are old friends. Lesson 3 talks about properties, including color schemes and naming of the window. Lesson 4 talks about object oriented program "OOP" and Lesson 5 speaks of writing the code. Lesson 6 refreshes our minds about managing data (integers, etc. that we have seen before) and then Lesson 7 is about Mathematical Operations in which you will all do the "BMI" calculator (your fat). I hope to get this far today...

Mr. Green-Hite

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dear Class:

There is a good source of tutorials at that I want to look at.

We will work on the first lesson of the tutorial at the website

Lesson 1 had us just do a simple button. In lesson 2, we will do a simple calculator. The next lessons are old friends. Lesson 3 talks about properties, including color schemes and naming of the window. Lesson 4 talks about object oriented program "OOP" and Lesson 5 speaks of writing the code. Lesson 6 refreshes our minds about managing data (integers, etc. that we have seen before) and then Lesson 7 is about Mathematical Operations in which you will all do the "BMI" calculator. I hope to get this far today...

Mr. Green-Hite

Monday, April 9, 2012

Tuesday, March 10, 2012

Dear Class:

We will finish with the Airplane.

Look at p. 84 to end.

I want to watch the below tutorials together to reinforce what we went over. Last class we watched the first four tutorials that were review. The site can be reached here. The following last four we did not get to and are also review:

Using Getline Function and the strcpy Function
Writing Equations and Type Casting
Demo of the Complete Program
Debugging Demo

We will continue with the final part of Unit 4.

There are couple of short projects I will have you do. Then, we will do the "Airplane" that is written for you. 1 2 3 5

Sorry, page 4


There is a good source of tutorials at that I want to look at.

We worked on the first lesson of the tutorial at the website

Lesson 1 had us just do a simple button. In lesson 2, we will do a simple calculator. The next lessons are old friends. Lesson 3 talks about properties, including color schemes and naming of the window. Lesson 4 talks about object oriented program "OOP" and Lesson 5 speaks of writing the code. Lesson 6 refreshes our minds about managing data (integers, etc. that we have seen before) and then Lesson 7 is about Mathematical Operations in which you will all do the "BMI" calculator. I hope to get this far today...

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

Dear Class:

I want to watch the below tutorials together. Last class I tried explain the below to you and made a hash of it. The site can be reached here. The following I would like to go over:

The String Data Type; Equations
Character vs. String data
Using Getline Function and the strcpy Function
Writing Equations and Type Casting
Demo of the Complete Program
Debugging Demo

We will continue with the final part of Unit 4.

There are couple of short projects I will have you do. Then, we will do the "Airplane" that is written for you. 1 2 3 5

We will finish with the Airplane (We may not get to this, I do not know)

Mr. Green-Hite

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dear Class:

We are into chapter 4. I want to look at it together.

Chapter 4 (b).

Today I want to see if we can get the chapter done but maybe not.

I want to watch a couple of tutorials on this site:

This site is a tutorial on 3d programming using C++ and OpenGL.

Hope this helps.

Mr. Green-Hite

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Monday, April 2, 2012

Dear Class:

Continuing with Chapter 3, I want to talk about Overflow and Underflow.

Run it but do not print out the menu. We will look at it next time to run and print it together.

I would like you, on your own, to do the project 3-4 on page 64. We already did the Activity 3-1 on page 66. Don't forget about the menu I need to check off!

I want to get into chapter 4. I want to look at it together. Sorry for the delay.

Chapter 4
Chapter 4 (b)

Hope this helps.

Mr. Green-Hite