Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday, September 28, 2012

Dear Class: I would like you to finish the "Automobiles" database today. I would like to move on to C++ on Tuesday. This is the first part of the class that consists of Database that is broken up into three projects: The rough data that the class supplied and that we "roughed in" using Excel. Then, we created rough reports and a query from. The second section was information you supplied through internet searching. This part was more "refined" and I had you center the Title and put in a footer. The last section is the "Access" final project. This is information that is provided by me and the final reports and queries will look the same...The grading will be very precise on this one. Again, the title will have to be centered, the title will be the same one on the project sheet as on your report/query. Finally, all of the seven parts will include a footer with your name and the period (=() will be changed to ="Last First Name--Period 7 or 8". What I want in your folders is up on the board. I will be grading these this weekend. If you get done early, and I know some of you will, you may use the following link for "educational games". I need them evaluated anyway as to how good they are. Good Luck! Sincerely, Mr. Green-Hite

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wednesday, September 24, 2012

Dear Class: I want you to finish the "superhero" database today. This is the first part of the class that consists of Database that is broken up into three projects: The rough data that the class supplied and that we "roughed in" using Excel. Then, we created rough reports and a query from. The second section was information you supplied through internet searching. This part was more "refined" and I had you center the Title and put in a footer. The last section is the "Access" final project. This is information that is provided by me and the final reports and queries will look the same...The grading will be very precise on this one. Again, the title will have to be centered, the title will be the same one on the project sheet as on your report/query. Finally, all of the seven parts will include a footer with your name and the period (=() will be changed to ="Last First Name--Period 7 or 8". Good Luck! Sincerely, Mr. Green-Hite

Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Dear Class:

Due to the "tainted" nature of the data we used before, we are going to create a new one using data you will acquire from the internet. You will be creating a new table using the "design" view. This database will consist of 10 superheroes of your selection. It will have their superhero name, "human" name, their power, Male/Female (yes/no), Weakness (yes/no), What the weakness is, Specific group associated with, Marvel, DC, or other, year appeared, and main arch rivalry. I want the title of the Reports to be centered and ="your name--Period 7/8" at the bottom. I will go over this at the beginning of the class. Report 1: All areas with the names in descending order. Query 1: Hero Name, Power(s), only males, weakness, only Marvel, and year appeared. Report 2: Hero Name, Human Name, Arch Enemy, Group affiliation Query 2: Hero Name, Weakness (yes) but do not show, Actual Weakness, Human name />
Mr. Green-Hite

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Dear Class: Open up your DB ACCESS from Tuesday. The Job column, DB experience, and the Programming experience should be yes/no. The money column should be currency. This is done in design view. I want two reports done today; first one with Last (change to descending), First, Food, Color, Middle School, Grade, and Age (in that order). I want you to do a second report with Last, First, and any other four that you have with First Name in descending order. When you are done, these reports will be shared with me by uploading the file to google docs and put into your shared folder for me. To "print" these, they will be printed as "PDF" file and then uploaded to your account. I want to then do a query with Last name, first name, age, jobs, DB experience, Programming experience, and money. The query will have with jobs only (yes or not "no"), money (greater than or equal to $20). Have the last name as "descending" and show all. The project will be on cars. Sincerely, Mr. Green-Hite

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012

Dear Class: I have a substitute today. Please render all honors to him or her. I am going to have you watch a series of Videos to teach you the first part of ACCESS. Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 I want you to open up your gmail account and then download your excel spreadsheet. Open up ACCESS and create a new database. Do "Create Table by entering Data". You will be clicking on "A" and selecting that column. Copy it and then go to "Field 1" and click it. It will activate that column then simply go "Paste". You will have to then save it, double click on "Field 1" and put in "First Name" and delete that from the first field. Do that with all of the columns. Then, play a little with it. Sincerely, Mr. Green-Hite

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dear Class:

Open WORD document and create a “Database Notes” file
Vocabulary: database, field, record, data types, objects, table, form, report, querie.

Sites that can help: Access 2003 tutorial

Access 2003

Open Class database in datasheet view—what can we do with it??
Basic—can’t change the header/footer, you can delete it in setup, only have one font, one size for rows
Sizing columns—double clicking between field names or sliding
Sorting—Highlight entire field and use AZ↓ or ZA↓

Highlight a field and use binocular icon to look in, match, search
Navigation bar at bottom to move between records
A "pencil" is displayed on the left when editing a record
A "triangle" is displayed on the left when selecting a record
Add or delete a record
Add a new field in design view—School
Type in David Douglas High School one time and use Control ‘ to repeat in every cell

Work on some OJBECTS:

Create a FORM using wizard
Choose all the fields
Choose a layout—columnar is good for now
Choose a style
Give it a name—click finish
Does everything fit
View/Design View to edit
Edit Field Box and Detail Box
Change font and size
Rearrange to make sure it fits
Shift click to highlight more than one box
Use the paint brush for editing
View Form View to check it out
Print Preview—use the icons to view one, two, multiple pages
Use navigation to get to new record and add the teacher

Was it easier to input data in a form or table object???

Create a Report—create a report using wizard—choose the class table
Pick four fields
Pick a grouping—group by age
Pick a sort—sort by last name
Pick a layout
Pick a style
Give it a name

Edit the report in design view
Header—contains field name
Detail—actual information
Use paint brush
Numbers right align/words left align
Select and size or edit—click to select, use hand to move
Shift Click header and detail to move both
Make sure everything fits and is centered
Same alignment icons as in WORD
Change footer
Delete the entire text box on right—page x of x
Change =now() (function for date and time) to =”your name—period x” (string)

Open Database Notes and update vocabulary if needed


Create a report using what you just learned—choose at least 5 fields
SAVE, PRINT and turn in

Group by age?? By Eye color?

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

Dear Class: All of the class needs to get into their gmail account through sign in. I will show you how to get there. We will first create a "collection" or folder that you will share with me. It will be titled "Last Name First Name". You will go to the drop down arrow at the side of the folder and go to "share". Put in my email address and share the folder with me. Then, please open up a "doc" and name it "Definitions". I want to look at an article regarding computer and human error for data.

Please open up your "database" we worked on last time and then open up this blog so that you know what we will be doing today. I made an excel spreadsheet that we will be using with your scores on it. I will explain it to you in class. Spreadsheet

Please open up the Database notes we did and we will be adding to them the definition of: objects, table, form, and report.

Then, open up the "Class database" file we did last time. This will reflect the following:

First Name
Last Name
Favorite Food
Favorite Color
Eye Color
Birth Month
Database Exp
Programming Exp
Middle School

You were to type them in a shared google doc and then plug your information on the database itself.

You will be "Correcting" that raw data into the "Class Database" that we will be using. In programming, you cannot have data that is "off" or "inconsistent" or a program will not work (although there are certain internal checks).

What is a database?

Watch the tutorial for database (17 minutes)

Why use a database—information about customers, information about inventories, any type of information a business would need. You can design, manipulate, sort, and print.

Who has a database—schools, libraries, government, stores, banks, business on inventory and employees

Internet Search:
Who won the Heisman trophy 2 years in a row?? (1974 1975 Archie Griffen
Who Was David Douglas named after??
Who are some notable alumni from David Douglas??


Requirements: contain a unique name, describe the field, <= 64 characters, cannot begin with a space, can’t use . , ! [ ]

Fields have data types—text, number, currency, date/time, yes/no, OLE Object (picture), hyperlink (address), lookup wizard (giving options)

Field size—usually default works but you can assign different sizes
Who has a long name that always gets cut off???

We went to the spreadsheet that is shared an editable and entered in the following data after one of the students puts in the Record type.

Create a database
Different programs: MS ACCESS, Oracle, Dbase
Determine fields and data types
Enter your own data on the first line and SAVE it.

Open WORD document and create a “Database Notes” file
Vocabulary: database, field, record, data types

Sites that can help: Access 2003 tutorial

Access 2003

Mr. Green-Hite

Monday, September 3, 2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Dear Class:

Class itself
Bloodshed C++

Day One:

What is a database?

Watch the tutorial for database (17 minutes)

Why use a database—information about customers, information about inventories, any type of information a business would need. You can design, manipulate, sort, and print.

Who has a database—schools, libraries, government, stores, banks, business on inventory and employees

Internet Search:
Who won the Heisman trophy 2 years in a row?? (1974 1975 Archie Griffen
Who Was David Douglas named after??
Who are some notable alumni from David Douglas??


Requirements: contain a unique name, describe the field, <= 64 characters, cannot begin with a space, can’t use . , ! [ ]

Fields have data types—text, number, currency, date/time, yes/no, OLE Object (picture), hyperlink (address), lookup wizard (giving options)

Field size—usually default works but you can assign different sizes
Who has a long name that always gets cut off???

Go to the spreadsheet that is shared an editable and enter in the following data after one of the students puts in the Record type

Icebreaker—creating a database about our class
What do we want to find out about each other:

First Name
Last Name
Smart? (yes/no)
How much do you have?
Favorite Food
Favorite Color
Eye Color
Birth Month
Database Exp
Programming Exp
Middle School

Enter the information onto the spreadsheet that has been shared.

Let’s put our class in a database. . .

Create a database
Different programs: MS ACCESS, Oracle, Dbase
Determine fields and data types
Enter your own data on the first line and SAVE it.

Open WORD document and create a “Database Notes” file
Vocabulary: database, field, record, data types

Sites that can help: Access 2003 tutorial

Access 2003