Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011

Dear Class:

There is a good source of tutorials at that I want to look at.

We will work on the first lesson of the tutorial at the website

Lesson 1 had us just do a simple button. In lesson 2, we will do a simple calculator. The next lessons are old friends. Lesson 3 talks about properties, including color schemes and naming of the window. Lesson 4 talks about object oriented program "OOP" and Lesson 5 speaks of writing the code. Lesson 6 refreshes our minds about managing data (integers, etc. that we have seen before) and then Lesson 7 is about Mathematical Operations in which you will all do the "BMI" calculator. I hope to get this far today...

Mr. Green-Hite

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday, March 27, 2011

Dear Class:

At the beginning of the class, take the one "test" you took home to write up and open up C++ and plug it in. Run it, take a picture of it, put your name on it, staple it to what you wrote, and hand it in. We will revisit what we did last class.


Finish the two story problems above at the "comma" in the "y" above. We will work on those.

You will bring the written code with you, type it out on Wednesday, and run it for me as the final for C++

There is a good source of tutorials at that I want to look at.

We will work on the first lesson of the tutorial at the website

Lesson 1 had us just do a simple button. In lesson 2, we will do a simple calculator. The next lessons are old friends. Lesson 3 talks about properties, including color schemes and naming of the window. Lesson 4 talks about object oriented program "OOP" and Lesson 5 speaks of writing the code. Lesson 6 refreshes our minds about managing data (integers, etc. that we have seen before) and then Lesson 7 is about Mathematical Operations in which you will all do the "BMI" calculator. I hope to get this far today...

Mr. Green-Hite

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

Dear Class:

I will have you take home the following as a test at the "comma"


Finish the two story problems above at the "comma" in the "y" above. We will work on those.

You will bring the written code with you, type it out on Wednesday, and run it for me as the final for C++

There is a good source of tutorials at that I want to look at.

We will work on the first lesson of the tutorial at the website

Lesson 1 had us just do a simple button. In lesson 2, we will do a simple calculator. The next lessons are old friends. Lesson 3 talks about properties, including color schemes and naming of the window. Lesson 4 talks about object oriented program "OOP" and Lesson 5 speaks of writing the code. Lesson 6 refreshes our minds about managing data (integers, etc. that we have seen before) and then Lesson 7 is about Mathematical Operations in which you will all do the "BMI" calculator. I hope to get this far today...

Mr. Green-Hite

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dear Class:

We will finish with the Airplane.

Look at p. 84 to end.

I want to watch the below tutorials together to reinforce what we went over. Last class we watched the first four tutorials that were review. The site can be reached here. The following last four we did not get to and are also review:

Using Getline Function and the strcpy Function
Writing Equations and Type Casting
Demo of the Complete Program
Debugging Demo

We will continue with the final part of Unit 4.

There are couple of short projects I will have you do. Then, we will do the "Airplane" that is written for you. 1 2 3 5


Finish the two story problems above at the "comma" in "Sincerely". We will work on those.

There is a good source of tutorials at that I want to look at.

We worked on the first lesson of the tutorial at the website

Lesson 1 had us just do a simple button. In lesson 2, we will do a simple calculator. The next lessons are old friends. Lesson 3 talks about properties, including color schemes and naming of the window. Lesson 4 talks about object oriented program "OOP" and Lesson 5 speaks of writing the code. Lesson 6 refreshes our minds about managing data (integers, etc. that we have seen before) and then Lesson 7 is about Mathematical Operations in which you will all do the "BMI" calculator. I hope to get this far today...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dear Class:

I want to watch the below tutorials together. Last class we watched the first four tutorials that were review. The site can be reached here. The following eight are also review:

Declaring Constants
Assignment Statements vs. Promp User Input

The String Data Type; Equations
Character vs. String data
Using Getline Function and the strcpy Function
Writing Equations and Type Casting
Demo of the Complete Program
Debugging Demo

We will continue with the final part of Unit 4.

There are couple of short projects I will have you do. Then, we will do the "Airplane" that is written for you. 1 2 3 5

We will finish with the Airplane (We may not get to this, I do not know)

Mr. Green-Hite

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

Dear Class:

I want to watch the below tutorials together. Last class we watched the first four tutorials that were review. The site can be reached here. The following five are also review:

Common Errors
Saving & Exiting; other errors

Variables,Constants, & Math Statements
Data Types
Declaration Statements & Initializing Variables

When we are done looking at these for your viewing pleasure, I want you to open up the Westpoint Bridge Design. If it is not in the Start, All Programs, and Westpoint Bridge Design, then go to Start, My Computer, C: Local Disk, Program Files, and then Westpoint Bridge Design. Design a bridge, or two, or three and figure out how to create one that is inexpensive using less expensive materials. Please save so I can look at it on Tuesday.

Mr. Green-Hite

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 13, 2011

Dear Class:

We are into chapter 4. I want to look at it together.

Chapter 4 (b).

Today I want to see if we can get the

I want to watch a couple of tutorials on this site:

This site is a tutorial on 3d programming using C++ and OpenGL.

Hope this helps.

Mr. Green-Hite

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

Dear Class:

We are into chapter 4. I want to look at it together.

Chapter 4 (b).

Today I want to see if we can get the

I want to watch a couple of tutorials on this site:

This site is a tutorial on 3d programming using C++ and OpenGL.

Hope this helps.

Mr. Green-Hite

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dear Class:

Continuing with Chapter 3, I want to talk about Overflow and Underflow.

Run it but do not print out the menu. We will look at it next time to run and print it together.

I would like you, on your own, to do the project 3-4 on page 64. We already did the Activity 3-1 on page 66.

I want to get into chapter 4. I want to look at it together. Sorry for the delay.

Chapter 4
Chapter 4 (b)

Hope this helps.

Mr. Green-Hite

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dear Class:

Pages 54 and 55 talk of mixed data types and how it affects calculations. There is a reference to "promotion" and "typecasting". Read these two pages on your own and do Code list 3-8 on page 55 together. Please run and print and hand in. At times there will be a "truncated" issue with floating-point number. Read on your own page 56 and 57. Page 57 has the same code list, more or less, as page 55 (that you just did). Just look at that code and see what was changed and what it would do.

I want you to do the Menu that is linked. The links are Page 1 and Page 2

I want to talk about Overflow and Underflow.

Run it but do not print out the menu. We will look at it next time to run and print it together.

I would like you, on your own, to do the project 3-4 on page 64. We already did the Activity 3-1 on page 66.

Mr. Green-Hite

Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

Dear Class:

We will finish Chapter 3. We will look closely, however, at page 45, because of the "statements" and "results". Together, do code list 3-3 on page 46. We will continue from there. I want you to "copy" the review questions on page 62-63, 1-10 and 1-10, answer them, print and hand in. Do project 3-1 and Project 3-4 and run them. I will check them on screen and then grade them.

Chapter 3

Mr. Green-Hite