Sunday, October 14, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

Dear Class:
Today, we will be adding to the notes on programming in general and C++ notes in particular in a google document. Share with me that google document by placing it in your shared folder. I want you to continue to work on the "Travel" program below and make sure that we figure out any "bugs" it has.

I will have a scan of parts of the text entitled Introduction to Computer Science Using C++ 3rd edition. This may be checked out in the book room if you wish.

We will look at binary numbers (machine language) this class.

As you work on your "Travel" program, please have "Hello World" and "Your name" program up so that I can enter it in my grade book. />I want to do a more complex C++ program. Travel program we started.

I went over the following attachment last class Continuing with binary numbers. I do want to go over it regarding binary code, interpreters, and compilers. Also, look at the various programs and how they do the same thing in the above document. Open a google doc, title it "Binary code name" and then put in english what the below binary code is and then put your name in binary code after it. What is the following? 01010111 01101000 01100001 01110100 01101001 01110011 01111001 01101111 01110101 01100010 01101110 01100001 01100111 01100101 Then put your name down in binary code (example): 01001010 (74) 01101111 (111) 01001000 (72) 01001110 (78) 01000111 (71) and then on. />
Finally, we will look at Chapter 2 in the book.

Mr. Green-Hite

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